Online Sermons

Online Sermons

It is our belief that God has provided us with all things pertaining to life and godliness (2 Peter 1: 2-3),  and that all authority for religious matters comes from God's word (2 Timothy 3:16-17). These sermons are provided as an aid in studying the scriptures. We hope that you will listen to these sermons and that you will be edified and learn from them. However, we hope that you will study God's word for yourself, prove everything that you hear, and rightly divide the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/07/21 Our View of Heaven Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-11-07_AM-_Darrel_Yontz_-_Our_View_of_Heaven.mp3
11/07/21 Our Suffering Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun PM 2021-11-07_PM-_Darrel_Yontz_-_Our_Suffering.mp3
10/31/21 The Fantasy of Our Minds Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun PM 2021-10-31_PM-Darrel_Yontz_-_The_Fantasy_of_Our_Minds.mp3
10/17/21 Why Circumcision ? Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-10-17_AM-_Darrel_Yontz_-_Why_Circumcision.mp3
10/10/21 Attributes 0f God During the days of Elijah Jeff Mathis Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-10-10_AM-_Jeff_Mathis_-_Attributes_0f_God_During_the_days_of_Elijah.mp3
10/10/21 Prescriptons for Elijahs Discouragement Jeff Mathis Sermon N/A Sun PM 2021-10-10_PM-_Jeff_Mathis_-_Prescriptons_for_Elijahs_Discouragement.mp3
10/03/21 The Consideration of Prayer 3 Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-10-03_AM-_Darrel_Yontz-_The_Consideration_of_Prayer_3.mp3
10/03/21 The Kingdom of God, Is it here? Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun PM 2021-10-03_PM-_Darrel_Yontz-_The_Kingdom_of_God_Is_it_here.mp3
09/26/21 We are Honest Men Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-09-26_AM-Darrel_Yontz-We_are_Honest_Men.mp3
09/26/21 Awake To Righteousness, Do Not Sin Edward Prescott Sermon N/A Sun PM 2021-09-26_PM-Edward_Prescott-Awake_To_Righteousness_Do_Not_Sin.mp3
09/19/21 Finding Gods Face Where You Dont Expect It Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-09-19_AM-Darrel_Yontz_-_Finding_Gods_Face_Where_You_Dont_Expect_It.mp3
09/12/21 I Should Have Gone Barefoot Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-09-12_AM-Darrel_Yontz_-_I_Should_Have_Gone_Barefoot.mp3
09/05/21 New Testment Church History Ross Statham Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-09-05_AM-Ross_Statham_-_New_Testment_Church_History.mp3
08/29/21 But Seek First the Kingdom of God Ross Statham Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-08-29_AM-Ross_Statham_-_But_Seek_First_the_Kingdom_of_God.mp3
08/22/21 Rich Young Ruler Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-08-22_AM-Darrel_Yontz_-_Rich_Young_Ruler.mp3
08/22/21 Willing Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun PM 2021-08-22_PM-Darrel_Yontz_-_Willing.mp3
08/15/21 Insuring Salvation Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-08-15_AM-Darrel_Yontz-Insuring_Salvation.mp3
08/08/21 Times Like These Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-08-08_AM-Darrel_Yontz-_Times_Like_These.mp3
08/08/21 Abramam Father of none Father of Nations Preston Nichols Sermon N/A Sun PM 2021-08-08_PM-Preston_Nichols-_Abramam_Father_of_none_Father_of_Nations.mp3
08/01/21 The Consideration Of Prayer 2 Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-08-01_AM-Darrel_Yontz-_The_Consideration_Of_Prayer_2.mp3
08/01/21 Sometimes You Hear The Bullet Nathaniel Bowen Sermon N/A Sun PM 2021-08-01_PM-_Nathnal_Bowen_-_Sometimes_You_Hear_The_Bullet.mp3
07/25/21 Reading between the lines Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-07-25_AM-Darrel_Yontz-_Reading_between_the_lines.mp3
07/25/21 Lessons from Genesis Logan Chappell Sermon N/A Sun PM 2021-07-25_PM_-_Logan_Chappell_-_Lessons_from_Genesis.mp3
07/18/21 Our Praise to the Lord Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-07-18_AM-Darrel_Yontz-_TOur_Praise_to_te_Lord.mp3
07/11/21 The Consideration Of Prayer 1 Darrel Yontz Sermon N/A Sun AM 2021-07-11_AM-Darrel_Yontz-_The_Consideration_Of_Prayer_1.mp3

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