Can we be simply "Christians"?

Can we be simply "Christians"?

Too many churches have lost touch with their primary purpose: saving souls.  

The leadership in too many churches in our country and in our communities-- both large and small- show a preference to a select few of their more prominent members.  Too many churches offer a watered-down version of scripture that only pays lip service to following God’s inspired word.  As a result, people are turned off by the hypocrisy and indifference of their church leadership, and in disgust, some have decided that “Christianity is no longer relevant.”  This is unfortunate, because anyone can pick up a Bible and read the simple words of Jesus Christ without the need of a preacher to “explain.”  The Bible wasn’t written for pastors, preachers or priests– it was written for everyday people.

If you’re troubled by what you see and have felt a personal need to return to the simple and uncomplicated religion taught by Jesus Christ, let us suggest that such a possibility exists.  

Let us begin with the essential facts: Jesus Christ is the Son of God.  His coming (Genesis 49:10), His mission (Isaiah 53, Zechariah 6:13) and His new message (Jeremiah 31:31-33) were all foretold in the Old Testament hundreds of years before Jesus was born.  Jesus Christ wasn’t simply “a good man” but Himself said in Luke 19:10 that He came “to seek and to save that which was lost.”

We invite you to study your Bible and decide for yourself whether Christianity can exist today in a pure form.  Don’t take our word for anything.  Read your Bible and decide for yourself.  God gave us a book that was written so that anyone can read it and understand it.

The New Testament reveals the heart and mind of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 9:15-17).  In the book of Acts we read of people in their faith obeying the conditions of God’s grace: they believed, turned to God, repented of their sins and were immersed in water in order to be forgiven of their sins.  Being thus saved by God, they were added to the Lord’s people, or “church” (Acts 2:36-47).  They were then taught throughout the New Testament to live faithfully.  (For example, Jesus said in Revelation 2:10, "Be faithful until death, and I will give you a crown of life.")

As the gospel spread, we see them assembling in congregations in various locations, each local group in many cases under the oversight of its own elders (Acts 14:23) who did not answer to anyone other than Jesus.  These local elders could not make laws or be masters, but were only given the responsibility of caring for the congregation as shepherds would a flock (Acts 20:17, 28; I Peter 5:1-3).  These early Christians only knew of one headquarters: heaven, where their master, Jesus Christ, ruled over each of them (Ephesians 1:23).

Their religion (and their worship) was neither materialistic, flamboyant nor recreational.  They were not interested in impressing men with ceremony or entertainment, but were interested in pleasing God with the only thing that has ever pleased God: contrite obedience to His commands (I Samuel 15:22).  These New Testament Christians preached the gospel to a troubled world, for they knew that it was God’s power to save others, and not their own (Romans 1:16).  Any other appeal they would not make.

“If only this could be the case today,” many say.  It is.  Men and women throughout the world have despaired of “organized religion,” taking a stand to know no other master besides Jesus Christ, reading for themselves the commandments of God.  So can you!  We worship and serve God in the same way the early disciples did, and we would like for you to serve God in the same manner: in simplicity, following His commandments.  We are all just “Christians.”

How about you?  Would you like to be just a “Christian” and to freely serve God, following Christ without being bound by the rules and teachings of men?  If such freedom appeals to you, please come meet with us and see for yourself.

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